So I had today off as well! It was very successful day for I went to Animal Kingdom all day long. It was nice because I had never been there before so everything was all new to me. It was super hot today and I hear that they have to keep it extra humid inside AK because of the animals so i was dying hot all day long! The park is set up really cool- it is separated by countries- like Africa and Asia and then they have a huge part for Dinosaurs. It was hard to take it all in since it was so hot and there was so many people but all the decoration was really cute and they set up the streets to look like villages.
We went on the Africa Safari and it was so nice. It was a 20 minute ride throughout the jungle and we saw so many animals. All of the pictures that i posted are from that ride. The animals just are running around freely so it was so cool that you were so close. We saw two really cutes shows; one was its a big life that was 3d (very similar to hunny i shrunk the kids with all real life effects) and finding nemo the musical. Nemo i think would have been really cool but we were in the far back and couldnt see so it wasnt really worth it. We also rode on the main Dinosaur ride and it was SCARY! Overall i had a good day!
Back to work all this weekend and I have next Monday and Tuesday off!
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