this was a coke machine in epcot where you could sample what coke taste like in other parts of the world.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Pictures from Epcot and Hollywood Studios
this was a coke machine in epcot where you could sample what coke taste like in other parts of the world.
No More Training!
Hello Everyone! So for the last 2 days i have been working without anyone following me around, i have been alone. It has gone better then i thought, but i still don't know everything yet and i think that after a week of working then i will really feel 100%.
So far i have only worked in the candy store and i work there again tonight. i am nervous to work in the rest of the shops tomorrow but am excited to do it and get day one over with.
Every night for the rest of this week and next week I close the store, which means i dont go into work till around 4,5, or 6pm but that means that i also dont get out of there till weeee hours of the morning. So it is going to be a long couple of weeks.
Everything else is going well, i am off next monday and tuesday so i am looking forward to that!
So far i have only worked in the candy store and i work there again tonight. i am nervous to work in the rest of the shops tomorrow but am excited to do it and get day one over with.
Every night for the rest of this week and next week I close the store, which means i dont go into work till around 4,5, or 6pm but that means that i also dont get out of there till weeee hours of the morning. So it is going to be a long couple of weeks.
Everything else is going well, i am off next monday and tuesday so i am looking forward to that!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Pictures from my Phone
Here are some pictures from my phone that I have not added yet:
Magic Kingdom Electrical Parade(so cool all the floats light up and are in sync with music)
The castle at night
Tea Cup ride
My nice pool at my apartment

Magic Kingdom Electrical Parade(so cool all the floats light up and are in sync with music)
The castle at night
Tea Cup ride
My nice pool at my apartment

2nd Day Off
So I had today off as well! It was very successful day for I went to Animal Kingdom all day long. It was nice because I had never been there before so everything was all new to me. It was super hot today and I hear that they have to keep it extra humid inside AK because of the animals so i was dying hot all day long! The park is set up really cool- it is separated by countries- like Africa and Asia and then they have a huge part for Dinosaurs. It was hard to take it all in since it was so hot and there was so many people but all the decoration was really cute and they set up the streets to look like villages.
We went on the Africa Safari and it was so nice. It was a 20 minute ride throughout the jungle and we saw so many animals. All of the pictures that i posted are from that ride. The animals just are running around freely so it was so cool that you were so close. We saw two really cutes shows; one was its a big life that was 3d (very similar to hunny i shrunk the kids with all real life effects) and finding nemo the musical. Nemo i think would have been really cool but we were in the far back and couldnt see so it wasnt really worth it. We also rode on the main Dinosaur ride and it was SCARY! Overall i had a good day!
Back to work all this weekend and I have next Monday and Tuesday off!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
2 Days off!!
Sooooo i finally got some days off today! I actually am lucky and scored today and tomorrow off before returning back to training on Friday! I am not sure what i am going to do with my days off, i think today i am just going to be lazy and get some stuff around the house finished. There are some other girls in my work location that also have tomorrow off (thursday) so i think that we all might get up kind of early and go to Animal Kingdom. I have never been to Animal Kingdom before so it will be a treat!
Last night after I got off of work Allie and I went to magic kingdom for awhile to play (we were also really hungry and didnt have any food here to eat, so half of the reason why we went there was to grab food! ha). For some odd reason there was NO ONE in the park at night. When we went to magic kingdom last friday night it was busy we couldnt even get around, but not last night. So i guess this is starting the "slow down" part of the year that all the cast members keep talking about it. It was so dead that we got on jungle cruise, thunder mountain, and pirates of the Caribbean rides all without even waiting, we hopped right on. We waited about 40 minutes last night in line for space mountain but it was worth it! It was a very fun (but very short) ride!
Yesterday was my 2nd day of training and oh boy was it stressful! I guess that they have got to do it but they just threw us in there to ring up customers and we were so busy every time we got to the cash resister. I guess that main street east also has 3 "carts" that are assigned to us- these carts are small little carts with merchandise on them that sit outside on main street. We trained at all three of these carts and boy was IT HOT!!! We also trained at the hat shop and it was a mad rush while we were there too. Overall it was a good day, i learned a lot and am excited to finally starting to feel comfortable with everything.
Last night after I got off of work Allie and I went to magic kingdom for awhile to play (we were also really hungry and didnt have any food here to eat, so half of the reason why we went there was to grab food! ha). For some odd reason there was NO ONE in the park at night. When we went to magic kingdom last friday night it was busy we couldnt even get around, but not last night. So i guess this is starting the "slow down" part of the year that all the cast members keep talking about it. It was so dead that we got on jungle cruise, thunder mountain, and pirates of the Caribbean rides all without even waiting, we hopped right on. We waited about 40 minutes last night in line for space mountain but it was worth it! It was a very fun (but very short) ride!
Yesterday was my 2nd day of training and oh boy was it stressful! I guess that they have got to do it but they just threw us in there to ring up customers and we were so busy every time we got to the cash resister. I guess that main street east also has 3 "carts" that are assigned to us- these carts are small little carts with merchandise on them that sit outside on main street. We trained at all three of these carts and boy was IT HOT!!! We also trained at the hat shop and it was a mad rush while we were there too. Overall it was a good day, i learned a lot and am excited to finally starting to feel comfortable with everything.
Monday, August 16, 2010

So today we met at Disney University (yes there is a such thing) to go over some more basic training. We did a lot computer work and then the rest of the day had some cash register training. the day was pretty easy---the cash registers are easy and straight forward.
tomorrow i have one on one training and i think that i will actually be doing sales transactions and helping guests. I am a little worried because people ask so many questions and i just dont know that answer to everything yet--or where everything is. Oh well--i'll learn sometime.
I have wednesday and thursday off, so tomorrow is my "friday".
My roommate and another girl who lives in our apartment complex all went to magic kingdom last friday night for a little bit. We rode splash mountain and got soaked! I posted some pictures from that night!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Work Locations and Pictures

Hey Guys-
So i had my first day of training yesterday and had park orientation today. I learned alot already in my first two days of work but still have so much to learn. Yesterday i got my costumes and also found out where I will be. Since i am working on main street in magic kingdom is represents turn of the century when walt grew up in missouri, so our outfits reflect that.
The stores that I will be working in will be:
Chapeau Hat Shop- sell hats and make custom made hats
Firehouse Gifts- have shirts and hats for firefighters and all that
Confectionery- CANDY STORE, so much candy and fun treats
Gallery- have fine art and paintings
Exposition Hall- sell a little bit of everything, focusing on cameras, picture frames, ect.
I have posted some pictures of main street where i will be working and also the costumes i wear.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Hello All-
Sorry that i have not written in awhile--its been a busy 3 days to say the least! Ill try to capture everything and even add pictures.
Check in day wasnt that bad at all! Everything was pretty easy and everyone was so nice. We filled out a lot of paper work, got my car registered, and did more paper work. We picked our apartments and myself and Allie (my roommate) got a 3 bedroom apartment (so 6 total people). All the other girls are real cool and outgoing so it worked out well. We all have our own bathroom so that is wonderful! Everything else is pretty nice, i mean as nice as it can be for student living. The beds on the other hand....pretty yucky but that is what a bed topper is for!
So i know an area of where I am working but i will know more tomorrow of the exact shops and everything. All i know for now is that am working in magic kingdom on main street!! So look up main is so cool and looks like a little town with all these shops and fun stores. It is suppose to be modeled off Walt Disney's home town in Missouri. The good thing about magic kingdom is that it is the main park and is very busy and where i work is right where everyone first walks in so that is pretty cool. The bad part is that magic kingdom has "extra hours" some nights and is open till 3 am!! Which means I could be working till around 4am some nights!
Ill try to add more pictures when i have time.....we got our disney id today so we can start going to the parks for free!!!
Sorry that i have not written in awhile--its been a busy 3 days to say the least! Ill try to capture everything and even add pictures.
Check in day wasnt that bad at all! Everything was pretty easy and everyone was so nice. We filled out a lot of paper work, got my car registered, and did more paper work. We picked our apartments and myself and Allie (my roommate) got a 3 bedroom apartment (so 6 total people). All the other girls are real cool and outgoing so it worked out well. We all have our own bathroom so that is wonderful! Everything else is pretty nice, i mean as nice as it can be for student living. The beds on the other hand....pretty yucky but that is what a bed topper is for!
So i know an area of where I am working but i will know more tomorrow of the exact shops and everything. All i know for now is that am working in magic kingdom on main street!! So look up main is so cool and looks like a little town with all these shops and fun stores. It is suppose to be modeled off Walt Disney's home town in Missouri. The good thing about magic kingdom is that it is the main park and is very busy and where i work is right where everyone first walks in so that is pretty cool. The bad part is that magic kingdom has "extra hours" some nights and is open till 3 am!! Which means I could be working till around 4am some nights!
Ill try to add more pictures when i have time.....we got our disney id today so we can start going to the parks for free!!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
So we are here!!! We stayed in Gainesville last night and got up this morning and toured around the campus! It was so pretty there!
It is only a 2 hour drive from there to Orlando we got in around 11 this morning. We went and found our hotel and where i check in tomorrow and then decided to go to downtown disney. Downtown disney is a boardwalk type place that has shopping, a movie theater, tons of dinning and a few little interactive shows. Its free and anyone can go at any time. We ate at planet hollywood for lunch and then spend the rest of the day going to all the shops. They have some amazing stores and tons of things to do. It was raining for the first couple of hours that we were there but then it got sunny.
After going to downtown disney we ran to the grocery store and got some items and then did some more exploring around the parks and orlando. We both took a nap in the hotel and then grabbed dinner down the street.
I am really excited but nervous to check in tomorrow...i still feel like i am just on a vacation!
I have added some pictures from planet hollywood and the lego store in downtown disney!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Traveling....Day 2
So after talking with lots of people and finding out that Orlando is a far drive and it would take us 2 full days to get there we left yesterday (Sunday) after dads golf tournament. We got all the way to paducah ky last night!
This morning we left just at 7 am and as of right now we are in Georgia. I had to drive through the smoky mountains in Tennessee and we ran into major traffic right outside of Chattanooga and finally got through after 45 minutes!!
Not sure were we are going to make it to tonight-- somewhere in Florida if traffic stays calm, Maybe even Orlando if we make up time.
I attached a picture of the mountains!
This morning we left just at 7 am and as of right now we are in Georgia. I had to drive through the smoky mountains in Tennessee and we ran into major traffic right outside of Chattanooga and finally got through after 45 minutes!!
Not sure were we are going to make it to tonight-- somewhere in Florida if traffic stays calm, Maybe even Orlando if we make up time.
I attached a picture of the mountains!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
So I have started packing and I didn't know I could have this much stuff! I thought for sure it was all going to fit but now I'm not so sure.
We have decided to leave on Sunday now to give us plenty of time to get to Orlando!
I'll try to take pictures and blog on the way and once I get down there but I heard that the Internet is very slow so it could be awhile before an update!
We have decided to leave on Sunday now to give us plenty of time to get to Orlando!
I'll try to take pictures and blog on the way and once I get down there but I heard that the Internet is very slow so it could be awhile before an update!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Random Fashion

I found this cool site that lets you design outfit sets so i thought that i would publish some of my ideas.....

I found this cool site that lets you design outfit sets so i thought that i would publish some of my ideas.....
Traveling and Apartment Details
I can't believe that I have less than 3 weeks before i take off for Florida!
We finally have everything planned out as far as Travel. Dad and I are going to leave Monday the 9th and try to drive to Atlanta all in one day. On tuesday the the 10th we are going to try to make it as fast as we can to Orlando so we can have plenty of time to explore the town before it gets too late. Then the next morning (the 11th) I have to check in around 8am and dad is flying home that same day! I am so happy to finally have my travel plans figured on the list is PACKING!
So the Disney College Program offers housings for their interns. They have 4 total apartment complexes that are all pretty close to each other but all 4 are very different. DCP (disney college program) lets you pre pick one of your roommates if you know someone who is also doing the program. Through searching I found a girl who goes to the University of Arkansas and who is also a fashion merchandise major, so we are going to room together at Disney! I am really happy to find someone with the same interests as me.
All apartments are fully furnished with furniture for the bedrooms, living room and kitchen including dishes, pots, pans, ect. So it is really nice that we dont have to worry about who is bringing what since everything is provided for us (it also makes packing a lot easier). The apartments are your typical small college apartments but the bedrooms hold 2 people-like a dorm room almost. So if you live in a 2 bedroom apartment then there are 4 people that live there and 3 bedroom has 6 people. I really dont mind sharing a room with another person since i have done it three years of college with the dorm and sorority.
Some of the apartments are better than others and we get to chose when we check in which one and how many bedrooms we prefer to live in based on availability. So i will let you all know what apartment we chose and show pictures when the time comes!
I attached a map of the apartments!
Eeeeeek 3 weeks till Disney!!
xoxo- bew
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Disney Look

So some of you may or may not know all about the Disney Look.
Disney is very strict on what they allow their cast members (employees) to wear while they are on the job in costume and while they are not in costume but still working.
Walt Disney world didnt even let any males into the theme park back in the 70's who had facial hair because it didnt comply with their look. It wasnt even till the 1990's that the company let their male employees have facial hair. They have a reputation on being very strict on what their employees wear.
Just recently Disney changed their "look"- here is an article about how big of a deal it was to revamp their requirments
According to the Disney Website this is what non-costumed women have to wear:
Business Attire for Women
"•Professional options for women include dress pants with a classic style blouse or sweater, skirted or pants suit, dress with or without a jacket, and business-style walking shorts with a blouse and jacket or vest.
•A blazer or suit may be required at certain times, depending on your work location and the nature of your role. Check with your area leader for more information. Cotton twill pants (i.e., Dockers, khakis) are permitted only if they are neatly pressed, creased and appear to be professionally laundered.
•Non-costumed Cast Members are permitted to wear a short- or long-sleeved oxford-style dress shirt with property-specific embroidered logo. A blazer is optional.
•In addition to the options above, non-costumed women in Sports and Recreation are permitted to wear dress or golf style shorts no shorter than three inches (7.6cm) above the top of the knee. Shorts may be paired with a professional-style blouse (as detailed above) or with a neat, well-maintained polo or golf style shirt. Shorts are not permitted for office-based Cast in this area.
•Clothing not permitted includes polo or golf style shirts (except for Sports & Recreation Cast), cargo-style pants, t-shirts, sundresses, sleeveless tops or dresses (without a jacket), capri pants, leggings, casual shorts, wrap-around shorts, one-piece rompers and garments made of denim fabrics.
•Winter jackets and coats should also present a professional appearance and should be made of fabrics traditionally acceptable in business. For example, wool, leather and microfiber offer good choices. Denim, nylon satin and other casual fabrics would not meet these professional guidelines.
Clothing Lengths
Dress and skirt lengths may range from three inches (7.6 cm) above the top of the kneecap bone to the bottom of the ankle. The length of shorts should be from the top of the kneecap bone to three inches (7.6 cm) above the top of the kneecap bone. Slits in skirts, kick pleats and buttoned or snapped closures should not exceed five inches (12.7 cm) above the middle of the knee. Pants should be long enough to touch the bottom of the ankle.
Fabrics and Patterns
Fabrics should be those traditionally acceptable for business such as tweed, wool, cotton, polyester, silk, linen, rayon or blends of these fibers. Unacceptable fabrics include spandex, gauze, metallic fabrics, sheer fabrics, clinging knits, denim and chambray.
Patterns that are large graphics, large company and non-company logos, and styles or patterns that suggest extremely casual sportswear are not permitted.
Fingernails should be kept clean. If polish is used, it should be complementary to your skin tone. This includes deeper, richer shades of polish. Polishes that are not permitted include neon, black, gold, silver or multi-colored.
Charms or decals on fingernails are not permitted. Fingernails should not exceed one-fourth of an inch (approximately 6 mm) beyond the fingertip.
Hair Accessories
Hair accessories should be a classic style and should coordinate with the outfit.
Non-costumed Cast Members, while working outdoors only, may wear hats made of natural materials, such as straw, with a small brim for protection from the sun. These should be a simple classic style, solid tan or brown in color. Hatbands must be a solid color similar to the color of the hat. Baseball caps are not permitted.
•Rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, lapel pins and a business-style wristwatch are permitted. A pin, brooch or scarf clip in good business taste is also acceptable.
•Two necklaces and two bracelets in good business taste that blend with the outfit and each other are permitted.
•Ankle bracelets are not permitted.
•One earring in each ear is permitted. It must be a simple, matched set. Earrings may be clip-on, pierced, hoop or dangle and must be worn on the bottom of the earlobe. Earrings may not exceed the size of a quarter.
•Aside from earrings as listed above, jewelry may not be worn in any visible body piercing. See previous section on "Body Alteration or Modification".
•Only one ring on each hand is permitted, with the exception of a wedding set. A ring may be worn on any finger.
Dress shoes or boots in good business taste are required. Classic dress shoes are permitted to have an open toe, open heel or a slingback (strap around the heel). Athletic shoes, sandals and western boots are not permitted. When wearing a skirt or dress, hosiery must be worn at all times and may be sheer or opaque in subdued shades. If pants are worn, hosiery and socks are optional. "
So as you can see they expect alot out of you!
If you are in costume the requirments are even harsher! You can only wear 1 ring on each finger, NO bracelets and NO necklaces!
I have attached a outfit I designed to show all about the look!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Disney College Program and all that it entails!

IN 2 MONTHS I LEAVE FOR FLORIDA! I cant wait and know that the time will fly.
For all of those who really have no idea what I am doing down in Disney I wanted to post about it- an no i am not working at disney as a princess.
As previously mentioned I was chosen to take on the role (job) of Merchandise. The other roles offered are:
* Attractions- work the rides
* Bell Service- help in the hotels
* Boutique Hostess- work in a spa for little girls
* Concierge- help in the hotels
* Character Attendant- watch/follow the disney characters
* Custodial- clean up around the parks
* Full Service Food and Beverage- work in restaurants/anything to do with food
* Hospitality- hotels
* Housekeeping- hotels
* Main entrance Operations- work the front gates
* Transportation- drive the buses, ect
* Vacation Planner- help customers
* Costuming- work in the custom department and pass out costumes to cast members
As you can see there are a lot of different roles I could have chosen/been chosen for. I thought that Merchandise would be the best fit for me, and I guess so did the Disney recruiters.
According to the website the College Program..." at the Walt Disney World® Resort is a one-of-a-kind, Disney-designed combination of education and work experience". Even though I graduated in May, as long as you are in college when you APPLY for the program then you are elgiable. You have to be in college or taking like 1 credit hour when you apply for the program- so there is NO age limit. I have heard of people that are like 26 doing the program.
There are general classes offered in the program in hopes to get some college credit while here in Orlando- courses like management, marketing, ect.... Since I am not in school or need credit I will not be taking any of these general classes.
There are however other "classes" offered that also could be for college credit. These so called "classes" are very hands on and one of them is called 8 executives, 8 weeks. This is a course that I think that I am going to take- for each week you get to meet with a different executive and its a great way to network!
YES I GET PAID! I am very lucky for most fashion internships I have looked into you do not get paid for. The pay isnt that great, but it is better than working for free!
Disney has housing for their college program students. There are 3 different apartments and I wont know which one I will be in till i get there. You also can have a 2, 3, or 4 bedroom apartment. All apartments are fully furnished! So I dont need to bring anything. All apartments have a pool, laundry room, work out, ect. The apartments are a few miles out from the actual park but they have busses just for us workers that go back and forth non-stop from the park to the apartments and from the apartments to places like wal-mart, ect.
I attached a map of the apartments, so you could see how close they are and everything else that is around it.
People from all around the United States will be doing this program as well as people all around the world! So it will be a great way to get the chance to interact with different cultures.
Well I hope this gives you all a better look at what the Disney College Program is!
"Reach for the sky!" - Woody (Toy Story)xoxo-bew
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Getting Excited!
Hey All-
I wanted to keep a blog to let you all know how my life working as a merchandise intern will be in Florida!I also wanted a place to post pictures of everything that i am doing so everyone can see!
General Information:
Check-in Day- August 11, 2010
Check-out Day- January 7, 2011
I might pick a football home game weekend and fly home for 3 days, but other than that i am pretty much stuck there until January-including Christmas!
Job Description-
This is what the Disney Site has as what my job title is:
Responsibilities may include:
Demonstrating and selling merchandise in indoor and outdoor areas
Cash handling - both manual and using computerized registers
Stocking and cleaning shelves and carts
Receiving/putting away stock and deliveries
Stroller/wheelchair rental - including repetitive lifting, stacking, and pushing strollers and wheelchairs
Preparation of food/candy
Selling of alcohol and tobacco
Providing information to Guests
Approaching Guests and engaging them in conversation
Preparing packages for shipping/delivery
Working independently or as part of a large team
So as you can see there is a lot that I could be doing- I wont know till I am down there the exact location that I will be working at, they dont tell you until check in day.
"A dream is a wish your heart makes" - Cinderella
xoxo- BEW
I wanted to keep a blog to let you all know how my life working as a merchandise intern will be in Florida!I also wanted a place to post pictures of everything that i am doing so everyone can see!
General Information:
Check-in Day- August 11, 2010
Check-out Day- January 7, 2011
I might pick a football home game weekend and fly home for 3 days, but other than that i am pretty much stuck there until January-including Christmas!
Job Description-
This is what the Disney Site has as what my job title is:
Responsibilities may include:
Demonstrating and selling merchandise in indoor and outdoor areas
Cash handling - both manual and using computerized registers
Stocking and cleaning shelves and carts
Receiving/putting away stock and deliveries
Stroller/wheelchair rental - including repetitive lifting, stacking, and pushing strollers and wheelchairs
Preparation of food/candy
Selling of alcohol and tobacco
Providing information to Guests
Approaching Guests and engaging them in conversation
Preparing packages for shipping/delivery
Working independently or as part of a large team
So as you can see there is a lot that I could be doing- I wont know till I am down there the exact location that I will be working at, they dont tell you until check in day.
"A dream is a wish your heart makes" - Cinderella
xoxo- BEW
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